A ball in vacuum is rolling down my thoughts
Devoid of feelings true to me
The unknown arrow aimed to doom my pulpy red to pieces
Arising out of this time-burst is all set to blow
Voices quiver as it is looming large deep down
But none to hear
Ignoring it, myself, the voices fueled to grow louder
How long will the cotton ear buds of my soul bear
For it is going to burn or all set to tear
An irreparable damage to the thin consciousness
Holes dug deep, life, my own coffin
I am slipping everyday one step at a time
I am drawn to it for it is mine
Gasping for air I suck the whiff of air
That cares to breeze past me
With every breath I am sucking death
Another day to live till I am relieved of this guilty burden born with
Tears roll down dropping into an endless ocean
Mingling with the world’s, but the colors are different
For the tears take the color of emotions
Held behind those shutters in a lament
Darkness around bordered by the bloody red fringes
All forms in front enacting a drama
Puppets dancing to tunes
As their strings are pulled to narrate a story
A story not what they want to tell
But what the world wants to listen.
Caring about the whole world
Ignoring the world within
Silencing the voices shouting loud enough to hear
Insulting them for the world
With time world insults you
Nowhere else to go, the path leads you within
To those very voices now tired and sick
But not dead yet
The strength lies there---yes deep down
Not outside---remember---its within.
No support, no one on your bedside if you have been a hypocrite
Whom are you living with when not with you?
Who is guiding you, who is pulling your stings, whose puppet are you?
Whose tunes are you dancing to? Listen to the music your soul sings to you each day
Yes Monday to Sunday
The truth lies in those voices for they never betray you
They are never weak
As the strength lies there to face the world
The all powerful and yet sublime resides there
It is no strange abode it is your own heart where your god lives.
Under His shelter, under His eyes
Your liberations lies
The true self pure and clear
The only place where there is no fear.
The world is a miniscule
In front of the largeness of ones heart
Listen to it if you want to listen to Him,
For, He speaks the language of love to you, through your own heart.